Samantha Conroy
Initiation Date: 3/26/2021
Email: samantha.conroy@colostate.edu
Department: Management
About: Samantha Conroy’s research is primarily focused on the individual, team and organizational outcomes of compensation and reward systems. In addition, she is interested in individual identity transitions and the implications of these transitions for individual well-being and organizational change. Her work has been published in several peer-reviewed management journals, including the Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Academy of Management Discoveries, and Human Resource Management Review. Samantha teaches courses on compensation and human resource management.
Samantha’s research and teaching are informed by seven years of experience working in corporate human resource management roles. Samantha earned her PhD in Management from the University of Arkansas. She also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management from Missouri State University and an MBA with a Finance emphasis from the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

Gina Slejko
Initiation Date: 3/26/2021
Email: gina.mohr@colostate.edu
Department: Marketing
About: Professor Gina Slejko Mohr holds a bachelor of arts in economics from the University of Colorado at Boulder (2002) and a PhD in marketing from the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado at Boulder (2009). Gina’s expertise is in consumer behavior and her research efforts focus on topics of consumer wellness, health, nutrition, and sensory marketing. Her research appears in the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Consumer Psychology, Health Psychology, Food Quality and Preference, and has appeared in media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, BBC News, The Telegraph, Boston Globe, and NPR.com. Gina currently teaches Marketing Research and Marketing Analytics and has experience teaching Buyer Behavior and Principles of Marketing.

Liz Webb
Initiation Date: 3/26/2021
Email: elizabeth.webb@colostate.edu
Department: Marketing
About: Liz received her Ph.D. in marketing from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her dissertation focused on individual-level sequential risk-taking.
Her research broadly focuses on judgment and decision making, as well as behavioral economics. Specifically, her research looks at what drives consumers to engage in (or avoid) risk-taking; financial decision-making; and the effect of context on consumer preferences. In other works, she has examined how characteristics of user-generated content (e.g., product reviews) affect what products consumers choose, and how assortment size can change consumer decision processes.
Prior to getting her Ph.D., Liz worked as an economic consultant in antitrust litigation for several years. In this role, she provided complex data analysis and in-depth report writing for expert witness services. Before joing the faculty at CSU, she was an Assistant Professor at Columbia Business School.

John Elder
Initiation Date: 4/15/2011
Email: john.elder@colostate.edu
Department: Finance
About: John Elder is Professor of Finance at Colorado State University. Information on my research can be found at Google scholar. I received my Ph.D. from the University of Virginia and also hold two professional designations, the CFA charter and FRM designation. I serve on the Board of Editors at Empirical Economics and Journal of Economics and Finance, and formerly Associate Editor at Journal of Financial Research.
I have also served in administrative positions, including Department Chair and Associate Dean at various institutions.

Jon Firooz
Initiation Date: 4/8/2017
Email: jon.firooz@colostate.edu
Department: Finance
About: Jon Firooz is a Senior Lectuerer with the Department of Marketing teaching graduate and undergraduate courses on business strategy, business processes, sales manaegement, and marketing. He received his Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science and Mathematics from Colorado State University.
Formerly, Jon began as a software and firmware development engineer for Hewlett Packard where he was then promoted to a research and development managerial role. While at Hewlett Packard, Jon had the roles of business development director, mergers and acquisitions integration manager, and strategy and marketing senior director. Jon then became the Vice President of R&D and Marketing for In-Situ.

Kelly D. Martin, Ph.D.
Initiation Date: 4/17/2009
Email: kelly.martin@colostate.edu
Department: Marketing
About: Kelly D. Martin is Associate Professor of Marketing and Dean's Distinguished Research Fellow at Colorado State University. She teaches Quantitative Business Analysis across the College of Business MBA Programs. Kelly was awarded the CSU College of Business Excellence in Teaching Award and has been nominated for the CSU Alumni Association Best Teacher Award.
Kelly’s research interests involve marketing ethics and firm strategy, privacy, and consumer well-being. Her work has appeared in journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Academy of Management Journal, and Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science among other academic journals. Kelly was awarded the inaugural AMA Marketing and Society Emerging Scholar Award and the Thomas C. Kinnear/JPPM Award for research contributions. She held a Colorado State University Monfort Professorship (2014-2016) for research promise and was awarded the CSU College of Business Excellence in Research Award. Kelly is an Associate Editor for Business Ethics Quarterly and Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, and serves on the editorial board of Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Prior to academia, she worked as a marketing director in the assisted living industry.

Chris Stein, M.S., CFP®
Initiation Date: 4/15/2011
Email: chris.stein@colostate.edu
Department: Finance
About: Chris Stein is a Faculty Instructor in the Finance and Real Estate Department. His teaching responsibilities include both the Honors and Traditional sections of Principles of Finance, Principles of Investments, Financial Planning courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level, Financial Principles in the ECMBA program and co-advises the Summit Fund. Chris earned a Bachelor of Science in Finance from the University of Wyoming and a Master of Science in Finance from Colorado State University. He has taught full time at CSU since 2008.
Chris focuses his current research and consulting activities in the financial planning arena, specializing in retirement income/withdrawal planning and Social Security optimization. He is featured regularly on retirement planning radio shows and multiple podcasts.
Chris was nominated for the CSU Alumni Association Best Teacher Award in 2009 and 2011 and also earned the College of Business Green & Gold Award for outstanding service and teaching for 2009-2010.

Dr. Robert Schwebach
Initiation Date: 4/17/2009
Email: rob.schwebach@colostate.edu
Department: Finance
About: Dr. Rob Schwebach is an Associate Professor of Finance at Colorado State University. He joined Colorado State in 1996. Professor Schwebach obtained a Ph.D. from University of Nebraska–Lincoln in 1992, and holds M.A. and B.S. degrees from University of South Dakota. Prior to joining Colorado State he spent four years in the Department of Economics and Finance at University of Wyoming. He has also held industry positions as an actuarial consultant with Towers, Perrin, Forster and Crosby of Chicago, and Hewitt Associates of Lincolnshire, IL.
Professor Schwebach teaches primarily in the areas of corporate finance and investments. In addition to several undergraduate courses he has taught finance and statistics in the College’s MBA and Executive MBA programs and in the Department’s Financial Risk Management masters program. He also teaches online courses offered through the Division of Continuing Education, and in summer 2010 he taught an undergraduate finance course at Foreign Trade University in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Dr. Schwebach has published in several academic journals including Journal of Risk and Insurance, Financial Review, Strategic Management Journal and Journal of Financial Research. His current research interests include corporate social responsibility, the impact of investment time horizon on portfolio risk and return, intra-industry supply chain effects of private equity takeovers, and investment flexibility associated with revolving credit.

Paul C Vanderspek
Initiation Date: 4/13/2007
Email: paul.vanderspek@colostate.edu
Department: Supply Chain
About: Paul Vanderspek serves as a Clinical Professor of Supply Chain Management and teaches introduction to supply chain management, advanced supply management, and managing global supply chains for undergraduate students and service operations & supply chain management for graduate students and has been nominated for the CSU Alumni Best Teacher Award for the past three years. Paul teaches annually in CSU's honors program, and also serves as a section coordinator in our on line professional MBA program.
Paul owns a make-to-order sign company in Denver that is a premier sign supplier to hospitals, universities and major general contractors around the country. Paul serves as the company's VP of SCM.
Additionally, Paul serves as Director of CSU’s Supply Chain Management Forum (through 2015). He has extensive experience managing complex global supply chains in the electronics industry and consults in the areas of strategic sourcing, supply risk management and supplier relationship management. Paul earned an MBA in Operations Management from Purdue University and an MA in Economics from the University of Iowa, along with his CPIM and CSCP professional certifications from APICS.